Category Archives: privacy

Who Can You Trust Online?

Who Can You Trust Online? I’m very disturbed by events regarding who I trust online. It’s been almost a year since I first began to actively use social media. I made my Facebook & twitter accounts  9 months ago. The  first people I met on twitter taught me many lessons about the value of online privacy. […]

Also posted in #pictures, blog, google+, googleplus, hashtags, information, instagram, internet, location, photos, pinterest, precaution, saftey, trust, tumblr | Comments closed

Deleted Facebook Pics Still Here!

 Years later “deleted” Facebook photos are still here Facebook is still working on deleting photos from its servers in a timely manner nearly three years. The company admitted that its older systems for storing uploaded content “did not always delete images from content delivery networks in a reasonable period of time even though they were immediately […]

Also posted in #pictures, #socialmedia, android, apple, blog, delete, facebook, google+, instagram, internet, ipo, klout, lies, money, truth, tumblr | Comments closed