LOWER drop rate

We have a goal and that’s to help people grow their online communities. This means different things to different people, but largely it means growing your social networking following steadily over time.A seed based system which allows users to promote their profiles to each other. One can generate seeds through checking out others or one can purchase seeds . Either way it’s a system of self-promotion, and not one where you purchase followers. Purchasing followers – besides being impossible – would be unethical, and is prohibited by twitter. That’s why we have focused on building a system of self-promotion rather. Everyone is free to choose who they follow, and who they unfollow.
Although this is the most ethical way to grow an online following, it does present some problems. One problem is that people may abuse the system, following and unfollowing indiscriminately just to get exposure for themselves. Another problem is that people may not have any control over who they promote themselves to. We’ve decided to address both these problems by providing a set of tools that give more control to members over who they offer seeds to. You can access these options on the twitter settings page. Currently are options…
Filtering on Drop Rate:
A member’s drop rate is a measure of how frequently they unfollow others. A very high drop rate often signals abuse, as members should be checking each other out fairly before unfollowing. A low drop rate does not always signal abuse, as a member may be gradually unfollowing people for valid reasons. A member may unfollow another member after a week or two if they don’t like their tweets, or if they have another issue with following them. This will increase their drop rate, but obviously they may still be a valuable contributing member of the community. We continually monitor following and unfollowing to work out an accurate drop rate for each member. You can choose not to offer seeds to members with high drop rates, or to offer them regardless of their drop rate. We currently recommend that you use an average setting here.
Filtering on Membership Length:
You can choose to exclude members who have signed up recently to twiends, as these are sometimes the most unpredictable members on the site. New members are unknown to twiends and have not established drop rates. Excluding new members will allow you to target lower drop rates, but will also get you a lot less followers. Twiends has thousands of members joining every day. Many of these members only try the site out for a day or two, so if you exclude them you will lower your risk of drops, but will also get a lot less exposure for your profile. But it is useful for those that want to participate more conservatively. We currently recommend that you don’t exclude members based on their membership length. You will experience slightly higher drops, but you will also get a lot more followers and exposure for your profile.
More options over time, but these options give you a lot of control over who you offer your seeds to. If you want to save seeds , lower your drops, and get a few selective followers, then you can do this by setting all your options to the left. If you want to get maximum exposure and don’t mind a higher drop rate then set all your options to the right. Remember though that you will always experience some drops as people are always free to choose who they follow and unfollow over time.
It is natural behavior on twitter to unfollow some people who you are no longer interested in following. At twiends we just want to create complete transparency over this process and complete choice for those following and being followed. Although the settings above are the currently recommended ones, we continually test and monitor activity on the site to improve performance, and we may of course change our recommendations going forward
This will help you keep your followers…
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We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]
We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]