A day of a social media expert
There are millions of social media experts on the internet. Do you know what do they do on a daily basis? After bumping into many myself I have managed to pull this together..

9:00am: Wakes up, check email, checks twitter, email again facebook and Google Plus
9:15am: Grabs the 2nd coffee and checks if people responded to their auto RSS tweets, facebook messages or G+ post.
10:00am: Reads Mashable, Techcrunch and RSS reader.
11:00am: Watch videos of babies laughing on youtube or any animals
12:00pm: Copy and paste email templates and send them to potential clients which they send out last week
1:00pm: Grabs lunch
2:00pm: Post tweets, facebook updates, google plus updates and Pinterest photos.
3:00pm: Work on info products about “how to make money with social media” and sell them to earn a quick buck.
5:00pm: Read more news from Mashable or whats hot on g plus
5:30pm Watch videos of cats and the following video that just comes on youtube.
6:00pm: Buys the latest method on how to make money off the internet and adds it to the stack.
7:00pm: Grabs dinner
8:00pm: Continue working on info product/ blog post and finds out how others are doing it to sell to others
9:00pm-12am: Watch tv and head to bed.
This is what they do on a daily basis, except on weekends where they spend most of their time on youtube watching cat videos.
Disclaimer: I’m not a social media expert and this post is meant to be funny!.
LOL Luckily I am a social media specialist! JUSTIN
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We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]