Great Guy Great Blog This blog will give you the tools and information you need to make money online, expand your business using social media, and […]
Look for the last 2 years ever since I decided to leave the corporate world and enter the unknown I had some doubts like anyone. The difference is I did not let that stop me or hold me back from moving forward and making a name for myself in Social Media.IF YOU WANT TO JOIN […]
FIVERR SMASHER I AM BACK SELLIN 40 orders a day on fiverr with my partner atlcomputer dude same exact services same exact networks!FIVERR HOME PAGE JMHHACKER on FIVERR Over […]
Influence gets its core in astrology. Centuries later the idea of being “under the influence” took on a wholly different meaning. communication.”The idea was that “opinion leaders” “those in control” or “THEY” filter information between the mass media and US, and it was their encounters with discussion among those elite “influentials” about new information that really […]