How to Use Klout, Kred and PeerIndex to Grow Your Sales and Revenues I have tripled mine in 6 months. THE BIG THREE!!!!
We are on the verge of a marketing revolution — and it is being led by customers, not the marketers!
Companies have always spent big, trying to identify and nurture word-of-mouth influencers. This is an expensive and inexact science.
But now companies like Klout, PeerIndex, and Kred are finding these folks — wherever they may be — for very little effort and money. For example if you want to see which 20 people probably carry some weight check out the KLOUT topic and view the top 10.
People like 3. Martin Koreck Revitalisierungs-Zentrum,Brain-
Club,Design your Synergie life, provide image,network, Resonanze
Number 5 Justin Matthew A Social Media Spealist and multiple business owner and
influencer on the internet, yet finds time
to win the Orlando Florida tennis championship 5 times.
Then at number 9 Martin Jones Digital Marketing & Social Media Manager/Strategist.
Web developer/strategist with passion for social media, digital marketing, SEO/SEM, new
I am currently ranked number 6 in the topic DALLAS top 10 visit the set all paid for!
These companies are analyzing the billions of pieces of content flying through the social web every day to find who can create buzz, and who can get people to react to their content.WHO IS AN INLUENCER?
Can you see how amazing it is to now be able to quickly, easily, and cheaply find and connect with these people who are influential about movies in Memphis? Or who generate buzz about beer in Berlin? Or fashion in Philadelphia? Or Dallas the TV Show.
You can imagine that brands are all over this and rewarding people like the 3 mentioned and the other top influencers very well. Some of the biggest and brightest companies in the world like Disney, Audi, Starbucks, Nike and TNT have incorporated Klout influencers into their traditional marketing efforts.
And it is working. According to Klout, each influencer in one of their incentive programs generates an average of 50 pieces of positive content and millions of possible impressions.
For example I can say I generated 23 MIL

How do you get started using these powerful new tools?
First have a look at: I score 70 in relation to the average scores of 20 70 95 percent higher. 848 and 8 230 and 2 99.8 percent higher I have a 68 95 percent higer than all scores
Take a look around and become familiar with how they work and what information you can get right on their site for free. For example, the leading “buzz makers” by many topics are available at no cost right on the Klout site, which is the leading platform.
If this looks promising for your business, Klout offers something called “Perks” which is an incentive program that rewards people with the top influence scores.
There are no strings attached to these prizes, you just have to hope the influencers will be excited enough about the gift that they will want to write, tweet, and blog about it. So picking the right “oh wow!” gift is essential.
Examples of gifts that work with influencers include:
- Previews of movies and special events , speaking with the CEO
- Bonus content not available to the general public
- Clothes and merchandise even computers
- Special influencer-only events like all expenses paid trips
- Free trials and services
- Consumer electronics
- Bonuses and upgrades
One airline even offered high-influencers free airline tickets to introduce a new airline route!
While this trend is so new that most of the early adopting is taking place by national brands, this trend is rapidly moving to the local level. Some phone apps are even coming out that can connect you with a top 20 influencer who may be near your store or location at any given time. The influencers might get a little fame out of this!
This is a revolutionary new marketing channel that will be benefitting thousands of businesses around the world! Get on board and learn how influence marketing can work for your business,
Now KRED they offer a once a month INFLUENCER semi similar to KLOUT but different here read on
Kred Scoring Guide
Social analytics are in their early days and Influence scores are evolving.
Kred is transparent! We tell you exactly how we find your score.
To calculate your Kred, we analyze billions of tweets from the last 1,000 days.
We add your Facebook actions when you connect your account.
We add your Facebook actions when you connect your account.

Kred is composed of two scores: Influence and Outreach.
Kred scores reflect Trust and Generosity, the foundations of strong relationships. All of our Kred badges show Influence Scores on the upper left and Outreach Levels on the lower right.

Influence is the ability to inspire action. It is scored on a 1,000 point scale.
We measure Influence by assessing how frequently you are Retweeted, Replied, Mentioned and Followed on Twitter. If you connect your Facebook account to your Kred profile, you get Influence points when people interact with your content on your wall and the walls of others who have registered their Facebook account with Kred. Facebook interactions counted towards your Kred include Posts, Mentions, Likes, Shares and Event Invitations.
Outreach reflects generosity in engaging with others and helping them spread their message.
Since generosity is infinite, your Outreach score is cumulative and will always increase. The current maximum is Outreach Level 11, and higher levels will certainly be achieved in the future.
We measure Outreach on Twitter by your Retweets, Replies and Mentions of others. When your Facebook account is connected to your Kred profile, you get Outreach points for interactions on your own wall and the walls of others who have registered their Facebook account with Kred. Interactions counted towards Kred include Posts, Mentions, Comments and Likes.
Kred is the only influence measure to show how Twitter and Facebook activities contribute to your score. Visit your Activity Statement any time at
Incredibly the same week I won one of the most influential people in the world with klout I won THE TOP INFLUENCER OF THE MONTH with KRED Please read this
Justin Matthew is a Social Media Specialist and viral video maker for popular YouTube networkHouseholdHacker, which has over 1.2 million subscribers and 167 million views for fun science education videos like “Defying Gravity” and “Boil Water With Ice!” Follow Justin at @JMHHacker or read his social media tips at
What does being influential online mean to you?
I love Social Media and am a member of at least 20 different platforms. I help create, act, write and research viral Youtube videos that teach people about Science, Technology, Computer Tips, DIY, Gaming, Education and more. Of course I use all our social media platforms to promote a new video or tweet a cool fact about science, technology, DIY culture or gaming. We have one of the most popular Science shows on the internet with over 60 videos and 40 million views! We also love to have fun with the occasional Prank.
The goal is to create content that helps people get smarter. I have a blast doing my job and making a living on the internet, and I hope everyone finds my content interesting. I love technology, science, art, gaming and much more. We appreciate all the support, so please don’t hesitate to say hello.
How do you use your influence to better your community?
It means everything to me. I spend hours a day trying to help others. I know that may sound routine but I can back it up. I started a second Twitter channel called @TheJmhhacker to support content creators. I also founded a forum with the sole purpose of offering support and advice to each other.
How does generosity enhance your online relationships?
Generosity enhances every relationship. It goes hand in hand with influence. I try to interact and care about everyone that contacts me and go out of my way to try to help them. Without generosity, I would not be where I am today.
How do you integrate your real life experiences with your online identity?
I live offline the same way I live online: very competitively! I won the Orlando tennis championship 5 times and now I use this as a platform to help and coach other players.
I don’t think it would be possible to live two separate lives: one online and one offline. You are who you are!
What advice do you have for someone who wants to make viral videos their career?
Never give up. The key to being in social media is being motivated and patient every day. Always try new content and continue to fight until you become a master of it. I also recommend setting a schedule each day for spending time online engaging with others to increase your influence. Prior to myself Kred Influencers: James Kicklighter Kred Influencers: Mike Street Go se what KRED us all about
Now Peer Index recently teamed up with Ford You SEE THIS IS GOING TO BE HUGE!!
About PeerIndex
Our Mission
As the social web grows more and more prevalent in the world, we’ve made it our priority to give individuals the right to own their data and the social capital that comes from it.
Our fundamental mission is to provide a service to help consumers benefit from their passions, interests and influence particularly with respect to the services they get from companies; and for brands and agencies to better identify effective and interested word-of-mouth advocates, that we call Influencers.
We Believe
We believe that the traditional established authorities and experts — journalists, academics, officials — are now joined by a range of interested and capable amateurs and professionals. As this locus of authority shifts, many new authorities emerge.
We believe that users have to have control over their data and should be able to interact with that data in a meaningful way, to help them generate a shared benefit with players who wish to benefit from the users actions.
We believe in rewarding people for positive actions and mitigating negative ones — whether engaging people on topics across other networks (which we call sources), helping spread a message to their friends or being a “trufflehound” – discovering the best content and helping to make it go viral.
We believe that marketers want to engage with exceptional Influencers — people are excited to communicate to their discoveries and ideas to others, to the benefit of their friends and family, not just the brand.
PeerIndex strives to become the standard that identifies, ranks, and scores these authorities — and help them benefit from the social capital they have accrued.

Ford B-MAX has joined up with PeerIndex. And you stand to win an exclusive 3D hologram of the ingenious new Ford B-MAX, which you can see without those silly glasses! Click here.
PeerIndex Scoring Methodology
Your PeerIndex Scores
Your overall PeerIndex score is a relative measure of your online authority. The PeerIndex Score reflects the impact of your online activities, and the extent to which you have built up social and reputational capital on the web.
At its heart, PeerIndex addresses the fact that merely being popular (or having gamed the system) doesn’t indicate authority. Instead, we build up your Authority fingerprint on a topic-by-topic level using our eight benchmark topics.
Someone, however, cannot be an authority without a receptive audience. A receptive audience is one that listens and is receptive to the discussions of members of the community. To capture this aspect, the PeerIndex Score includes an Audience score we calculate for each profile.
Finally, we include an Activity score to account for an individual who is active and has a greater share of attention of people interested in the topics that they are interested in.
Your Topic Resonance Scores
Related to benchmark Authority are the Topic Resonance Scores. These are a measure how your actions within a topic community resonate with the remainder of the community. Again what goes on in the community is greater than your single action.
We only calculate Topic Resonance Scores for topics that we have found to have a large enough community to produce a reasonable result. While you will only see the top five topics on your Profile page, we calculate Topic Resonance Scores for all topic communities we have detected your involvement in.
Breaking down the components of your PeerIndex Score
Authority is the measure of trust; calculating how much others rely on your recommendations and opinion in general and on particular topics.
We calculate the authority in our eight benchmark topics for every profile. These are used to generate the overall Authority Score as well as produce the PeerIndex Footprint diagram.
The Authority Score is a relative positioning against everyone else in each benchmark topic. The rank is a normalised measure against all the other authorities in the topic area.
Your Audience Score is a normalised indication of your reach taking into account the relative size of your audience to the size of the audiences of others. In calculating your Audience Score, we do not simply use the number of people who follow you, but instead generate from the number of people who are impacted by your actions and are receptive to what you are saying.
If you are a person who has an “audience” consisting of a large number of spam accounts, bots, or inactive accounts, your Audience Score will reflect this.
Your Activity Score is the measure of how much you do that is related to the topic communities you are part of. By being too active, your topic community members tend to get fatigued and may stop engaging with you; by taking a long hiatus on a particular topic, community members may not engage with a long absent member. Your Activity Score takes into account this behaviour.
Like the other scores, Activity Score is calculated relative to your communities. If you are part of a community that has a large amount of activity, your level of activity and engagement will need to be higher to achieve the same relative score as in a topic that has less activity.
Other Details
Normalisation of Scores
Before we present your PeerIndex and other component Scores, we normalize them. This means every number in PeerIndex is based on a scale of 1 to 100, showing relative positions. We find scores presented in this fashion tend to be easier to digest and compare.
We use an aggressive normalization calculation which helps you discriminate between top authorities. The benefit is that you can more easily understand who the top authorities are. The trade-off is that many of us end up with seemingly lower scores.
For example: if you are in the top 20% by Authority in a topic like climate change, it means you have higher authority than 80% of the other community members who we measure within this topic. Your normalized Authority Score for this topic (the one displayed on your page) will be in the range of 55 to 65 (which is significantly lower than 80).
But remember, a score of 60 puts you higher that 80% of people we track in that topic. A score of 65, means you rank higher than 95% of the people we track. And we focus on tracking the top people on a specific topic, not just anyone.
Future directions for the PeerIndex Score
We continually evolve our algorithms to improve their value. In addition to refinements to the Audience, Activity and Authority Scores, we will be:
- Improving our range of automatically generated topics using additional semantic processing.
- Increasing the sample sizes to remove biases.
- Extending various metrics to be calculated on a topic community basis and rolling into the overall calculations.
- Surprise enhancements: We have lots of potential refinements to our algorithms in the pipeline, which are top secret until we get them through testing.
- Your ideas: We would love to hear your suggestions. Let us know what you think through the feedback tab on the right.
Our company will blast your brand into the next level.
We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]
We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]