Google Another Update for Marketers!


Google Another Update for Marketers!

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Google just can’t stop. Another search engine update .Destroying Exact-Match Domains.
That means “How to market online” is a heavily searched keyword phrase. If you had the domain that would constitute an exact match.
Another example in a mass market might be

The Google  change will reduce low-quality “exact-match” domains in search results.”

OH I VERY IMPORTANT MILESTONE BEFORE I GET IN DEEPER I AM Now a Published Author and am doing a 10 book series called Social Media Rocket fuel. It will tell book by book how I managed to go from 0 9 months ago in online income 10 15-17000. 

Each book/network is critical. I put heart and soul and every method I know in so you all can do the same or better the first is on Google plus which out none of this would be possible. Be sure to check it out you can’t find this info online :)CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ME AND THE BOOK

Targets low-quality exact-match domains.
 What are those?

The website has very few pages a lot of duplicate content and/or very little original content
not any have consistent, fresh content being added regularly and the site has too many low quality links, especially exact matching anchor text links

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What is a high-quality exact match domain?
 lot of unique pages (hundreds to thousands)
No duplicate content updated regularly, keeping the site fresh

If you solely rely on Google for your traffic, C YA They are not your friend..

Pinterest is where you should be. The traffic is insane!

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You have to know how to build a trustworthy brand / business online that is seen as a resource with high-value content. That’s what Google is all about. . Pinterest is where you should focus your energy.

The game is rigged

Google is playing sides

Many average, unaware internet marketers are getting punished. They haven’t built enough credibility or authority in Google’s eyes.
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Our company will blast your brand into the next level.
We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]

This entry was posted in high quality exact match domain, high value content, internet marketers, jmhhacker, more blog traffic, pinterest for your blog, pinterest traffic, secrets of google+. Bookmark the permalink. Comments are closed, but you can leave a trackback: Trackback URL.