Category Archives: maximum pinterest exposure

Promoted Pins On Pinterest

                Promoted Pins On Pinterest  Pinterest has started to include the use of promoted pins. Promoted pins will look more or less the same in fact you might not even realize you are looking at one. There will be a small “Promoted Pin”  at the bottom,under the photo and description. No news I could find […]

Also posted in how to make money using pinterest, jmhhacker, jmhhacker blog, pinterest, pinterest marketing, promoted pins | Comments closed

Maximum Traffic! #googleplustips

Maximum Pinterest Exposure   MY PERSONAL PINTEREST How to get exposure across thousands of people’s Pinterest pages? Where do you find the time… You know your business needs a dang page don’t you and you keep putting it off…. Well I have built over 13 Pinterest accounts for clients and myself in fact in limited time built mine up […]

Also posted in contributor boards, followers on pinterest, go viral on pinterest, group boards, interact and follow, repin, secrets of google+ | Comments closed