Look for the last 2 years ever since I decided to leave the corporate world and enter the unknown I had some doubts like anyone. The difference is I did not let that stop me or hold me back from moving forward and making a name for myself in Social Media.
IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME https://www.empowernetwork.com/readytorelease.php?id=jmhhackerIt isn’t that I just accomplished 1 or 2 heck even 3 4 5 6 7 or 8 it is that I have surpassed every goal well over 20 in regards to Social Media and now I make a VERY good living working for my self and helping others. OH and by the way just ask about 100 people if I have helped them many of you reading this already know who you are
Now what is the point of this article….well I believe if I or anyone fro that matter is going to be online 8-16 hrs a day they better be using as a way to benefit themselves personally. I can at least admit it I know many that still can’t but I can see plain as day the objectives.
I embrace what I do. I made tons of money managing one of the largest you tube channels in the world for 2 years negotiating one of the largest deals in history acting and writing in videos and being recognized in 3 huge publications for my success The Front Page Of the San Jose Mercury Times The Daily Dot and the highest honor mentioned in Wikipedia for being the individual for turning HouseHoldHacker a channel with 2 million subscribers combined from a prankster outlet into a very well respected educational and science show.
My Viral YouTube Videos
After I achieved all my goals in YouTube I ventured into the Social Media world with a game plan of figuring out how to work for my self and answer to NO ONE. It did not take long…. I was soon Made Klout and KRED influencer of the month being recognized for my inline influence and the traffic I was able to create and the innovative decisions I made before anyone else was even talking about them.
I then started earning money of these 2 blogs jmhhacker and thejmhhacker nothing huge but 400 a month. Then it clicked create 3-4-5 maybe 6 or 7 different revenue streams 1500 here 2k there 3700 coming in from over there etc. Based on tat idea I heard of a site called www.fiverr.com/jmhhacker about 7 months ago.
Some Fiverr Reviews
I verified that it was possible to make 100k a year and then I decided to join knowing that I would to make 100 grand a year from fiverr I expected nothing less. Well 7 months later it looks like I will pull in 80,000 or so from fiverr but with my other streams well over six figures. M girls are in private school getting the best education and even though I WORK hard I can take a day off when I want.
Once it became evident to thousands of clients on fiverr I was approached by www.thegreatbusinessproject.com to be interviewed for being one of if not the top earner in the USA for making money off just social media. I accepted and shared my experiences with yet another great entrepreneur.
JOIN ME HERE https://www.empowernetwork.com/readytorelease.php?id=jmhhacker
INTERVIEWS 2 newspaper 1 live podcast
As time went of fiverr continued to EXPLODE to the point that now it has become a 1300-2200 a week venture not to mention m 4 other revenue streams I have.
Well it became evident to me it was time to take on a new challenge I was approached by a very persuasive gentlemen similar to my self in a way that I should look into empower avenue MLM basically but different you can use it to promote your own company or products or to train a team underneath you and help them make money as well.
Here is my wikipedia page for my viral accomplishments
JOIN https://www.empowernetwork.com/readytorelease.php?id=jmhhacker
I joined 30 days after hearing about is 10 days ago I signed up over 20 people my first 5 days with a simple FB post and small blog I believe the reason why is that I have proven not once or twice not even three or 4 times but MULTIPLE occasions that I have not only succeeded in anything I have taking on I have well surpassed it. Also I offered to speak with each team member for 1 hr 2 hrs 3 hrs as long as it takes to train them and teach them everything I know and guess what I have and will continue to.
Once I realized I made 2800 dollars in 4 days I saw the potential understood the system how it works and how it will truly benefit everyone IF YOU HAVE A GOOD MENTOR. Well I happen to think I am the best mentor because if you fail I fail and I don’t fail..
If you are ready for a change in your life and really will put effort into this project with me I will be right by your side until you are capable to build your own team. I am honored I received so many signups.
https://www.empowernetwork.com/readytorelease.php?id=jmhhacker JOIN ME
I will not push anyone to sign up because this is a favor I am doing for you…no really it is… So if you are 18-24 college didn’t work out your at moms house no idea what to do now you have no excuse..if yu are 30 40 50 or even 60-65 the world changed it is a new animal adapt step up or stay the way you are. I know what I expect from myself and I know where I will be in 1 year. You can jin me or not we will still be friends….I wish you luck either way..OK I have work to do take car… Justin Mathew JMHHACKER
JOIN ME https://www.empowernetwork.com/readytorelease.php?id=jmhhacker
We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]