Category Archives: plusk


The Big Three (KLOUT KRED PEER INDEX) How to Use Klout, Kred and PeerIndex to Grow Your Sales and Revenues I have tripled mine in 6 months. THE BIG THREE!!!! We are on the verge of a marketing revolution — and it is being led by customers, not the marketers! Companies have always spent big, […]

Also posted in audi, brands, dallas, fiverr, gifts, influence, klout, kred, organic, peerindex, perks, revolution, social media specialist, tnt, topic | Comments closed

How to go Viral On Pinterest

How to go Viral On Pinterest Currently I just passed 9,000 followers and average 550 repins per day JOIN ME ON PINTEREST Follow other users you find interesting If you see someone pin something that you find interesting then start following them – or the board they pinned to. You can follow individual boards rather than entire […]

Also posted in #pictures, passwords, paypal, peerindex, perks, phone, photo, picoftheday, pics, pin, pin boards, pinterest, pinterest followers, plus1, popular, posts | Comments closed


I have the answer! Through many hours of research and notes the answer is 72! I currently have 70 so need 2 more for a clean sweep here they are for you to go get! List of all Klout Achievements How I have a 74 klout score Special Valentine’s Day Achievement Had to log in  that day You got […]

Also posted in achievements, awards, badges, influence, klout, klout score, kred, perks, pinterest, topics, youtube | Comments closed


How to Use Klout, Kred and PeerIndex to Grow Your Sales and Revenues I have tripled mine in 6 months. THE BIG THREE!!!! We are on the verge of a marketing revolution — and it is being led by customers, not the marketers! Companies have always spent big, trying to identify and nurture word-of-mouth influencers. […]

Also posted in audi, brands, dallas, gifts, influence, klout, kred, organic, peerindex, perks, revolution, social media spealist, tnt, topic | Comments closed

Made 10 Most Influential List on KLOUT win interview with CEO

5 HOME UNDERSTANDING KLOUT 67 JUSTIN Welcome, justin. You’re looking at Klout’s new Squad page. This is where you can shape the future of your favorite brands, and get Perk’d for it! x Klout ✓ Added Back to overview Top 10 Influencers Top 10Top 100Top 1000 MEET KLOUT CEO JOE FERNANDEZ! Klout’s Top 10 influencers […]

Also posted in #socialmedia, achievements, ceo, feedback, influence, jobs, joe fernandez, justin matthew, k;s, klout, kloutscore, money, online, raise klout score, topics | Comments closed