How I got 12,500 followers on Google Plus

How I Got Over 12500 GPlus Followers in Less than 8 Months
 Nov. 2011 I figured why not try Google Plus. To be honest, the first time I signed in I had no idea how to get started. I followed some recommended people, only because I didn’t know what else to do

Profile Rank in United States 703 for males 1,074 overall and I am not Will Smith. This has helped with my rankings, SEO, Social Media Cred on and on
I set a goal to get 200 followers a week to start somewhere, 8 months later I am ranked 690 in the USA
While 200 Followers may seem low to you, I would equate that to 2000 on Twitter
I recommend putting  10 hrs a week in to Google Plus, it will take practice to really understand the complexity of all the options and features.
Let’s just keep it simple for now…
Complete Your Google Plus Profile not in 5 minutes but over a period of 2 weeks, really make it stand out
Upload banner images and use nice profile photos
Find people you know on Google Plus. If you don’t know anyone say hi to me I will add you to a circle MY GOOGLE PLUS
Use the Google Plus Search to find things and people that interest you. 
Search for your topic in the Google Plus search bar and skim through the search results stream until you find something that is interesting or makes you want to comment on. 
Comment and share posts you think others would enjoy, comment on posts and add the post authors to your topic circle. 
The more people you interact with, the more visible you will become.
Set up some circles and SHARE THEM I started thesnowballcircle and it gets shared over 100 times every time I post it.
Comment on things you like or are interested in. +1 other people’s posts and comments. Mention people’s name’s in comments.
Join hangouts introduce yourself. Join the conversation where you feel confident. This is the best way to make real connections with people.
The more you comment and provide information,  people will pay attention and start to share you in their shared circles. This is one way to gain many Google plus Followers at once.
Search for a topic to discover new content
Look at your circle streams and comment on posts.
Share 1 post every day; add something to the post when you share!
Spend time to write quality post
Find interesting people to follow I recommend cream of the crop on
Managing Your Google Plus Reputation
 Once you are a more active Google Plus user it is important to follow your Reputation.
Use the following URLS , when logged in to your Google Plus Account to follow what is happening or being said about you.
All Notifications
Circle Adds
Mentions Of you
Your posts
Other people’s posts
Stay at it you will gain followers and go viral now and again I have over 70 times so far and it has led to great things.
Well here is yet another article of value for free I look up google analytics and know about 4800 people a day read my posts but I wonder how many are acting on them…. Justin Matthew or JMHHACKER
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