Category Archives: jmhhacker

How To Get Facebook Reactions

                         How To Get Facebook Reactions OK  you just can’t think of anything funny to say on Facebook!This is on the house! Fancy seeing the ‘LIKES’ of you here. Fancy indeed.  (**LOL! Click SHARE!**)    I want to do more ______ (Fill in the blankety-blank!)  (**LOL! Click SHARE!**)    Flip flops or sneakers?  (**LOL! Click SHARE!**)    We […]

Also posted in call to action, embed facebook post on your blog, facebok updates, facebook engagement, facebook graph search, facebook interaction, facebook laughs, facebook tips, facebook traffic, jmhhacker tips | Comments closed

20 Fiverr gigs to rule them all. 8000 delivered

GO TO MY HOMEPAGE HERE TIPS ON FIVERR 20 FIVERR GIGS TO RULE THEM ALL (130)3 days Get 15 Real humanGoogle Plus ones to your site boos… from $5 by atlcomputerdude (63)10 days Add your GOOGLE plus id to the snowball circle share… from $5 by atlcomputerdude (51)3 days Shoutout to 100K+ INSTAGRAM and Tweet to my 112K+ tw… from […]

Also posted in blog, clients, fiverr, fiverr domination, fiverr economy, fiverr gigs, gplus, guides, home business, instagram, klout, orders, pinterest, reviews, social media, top rated, twitter | Comments closed

How To Embed Your Facebook Post For Viral Traffic

                           How To Embed Your Facebook Post For Viral Traffic Want to get the traffic you get on google+ on facebook? Well then embed the fb post then share to your MASSIVE google plus audience. Oh yes a new game is on. Post […]

Also posted in embed fb post on blog, embed your facebook post, google+ and facebook, how to embed your facebook post, targeted traffic from google, viral traffic from google | Comments closed

Change the Way You Advertise

 Change the Way You Advertise A true understanding of your niche means a true understanding of what advertising methods work best and knowing precisely where to place your ads to get the most out of them.  You won’t see a good marketer place a banner ad for pizza on a site that promotes weight loss, […]

Also posted in advertise, banner ads, blog tips, blog traffic, justin matthew, make money, memes, pinterest, pinterest marketing, seo marketing, seotips, serps, social media | Comments closed

Mova Rotating Globes

For a unique view of one of the more technologically advanced products on the market, check out this video from Mova Globes. Here is the product scoop from Mova: The world’s most advanced globe, the MOVA globe rotates silently and is inspired by the earth itself. It requires no power cords or batteries, only the natural light of […]

Also posted in education, education in schools, geography lessons, knowledge, national geographic, science and nature, study, teaching, world | Comments closed

Empire Avenue takes Social Media to the next level

Empire Avenue has found a way to take Social Media to the next level with their ground-breaking, all-in-one, social metrics and stock exchange platform. Signing up for an account is simple, it’s free, and the benefits are limitless!  JOIN HERE What is Empire Avenue? Empire Avenue is a social metrics platform that allows its users […]

Also posted in blog traffic, empire avenue, empire avenue leaders, empire avenue tips, googleplus, jmhhacker monopolize social media, klout score, real interaction, twitter retweets | Comments closed

Empire Avenue Blasts Off Your Marketing

MONOPOLIZE SOCIAL MEDIA My own Empire Monopolize Social Media I’ve always been the guy to do things his own way or frowned upon because it was different. I look on marketing is that if you do it the way 99.9 percent   are doing it you are dead wrong. I am that guy in Madden that […]

Also posted in empire avenue leaders, fiverr dellers, marketing, missions on empire avenue, monopolize social media, promoting, traffic to your websire | Comments closed

Perfect Timing

PERFECT TIMING       Enjoy! . Our company will blast your brand into the next level. We represent multiple major corporations and they are available for references. [email protected]

Also posted in #pictures, empire avenue, instagram, monopolize social media, own social media, perfect timing, photography, photos, whats hot page | Comments closed


HOW TO MARKET YOUR BUSINESS   Most start-up businesses and people deal with “how do I market myself effectively online ?”   The key to effective online marketing is you just need to have a good business plan and be savvy at Online Advertising, human psychology and Websites.  Just1 of our Pinterest boards   If you can’t […]

Also posted in ad networks, adsense earnings, business startups, market your business, monopolize social media, online advertising, social media management, website and marketing tips | Comments closed


                         Empire Avenue IS THE NEXT BIG THING Empire Avenue will be bigger then Instagram or Tumblr ever were. Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr all powerhouses.  Pinterest was around 4 years or more before it took off…  Instagram and Tumblr had […]

Also posted in empire avenue, fiverr, how to play empire avenue, how to use empire avenue, seotips, social media networks, socialmediamarketing | Comments closed